Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

Many people become anxious in some social situations, particularly when it comes to activities like public speaking. Despite some unpleasant feelings, they are generally able to function in a way that is in line with their goals. In SAD, people have strong anxiety or fear when faced with social and/or performance situations, when they encounter unfamiliar people, or when they face the possibility of being evaluated or scrutinized by others. It also involves a fear of being embarrassed or humiliated, or even a fear of becoming anxious in front of others.

Along with these feelings, there are several other factors that may indicate SAD, such as:

  • Fear and Panic.

Those with SAD will almost always become anxious when faced with certain social situations. They may even experience a Panic Attack.

  • Recognition of Excessiveness.

Individuals with SAD recognize that their fear or anxiety is excessive or unreasonable. Despite this recognition, they have significant difficulty controlling these emotions.

  • Avoidance.

People with SAD will often go to great lengths to avoid the social situations that cause them to feel fear or anxiety. When the situations cannot be avoided, they may endure them with considerable distress.

Together, these symptoms can cause significant distress and negatively affect people’s ability to function effectively.

If you or someone you know has some or all of these symptoms, it may be due to SAD. Psychologists at EBT3 are trained in using psychological assessment tools to find out whether this is the case. They are also experienced in treating SAD and the related symptoms using approaches that have been proven to be effective, such as Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy.

For more information about SAD, or to find an experienced psychologist, please contact us.