Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Everyone experiences anxiety sometimes, and it is part of the normal human experience. Those with GAD, however, experience excessive worry almost every day for months on end. Additional symptoms of GAD include:
- Worry in Many Areas.
People with GAD don’t simply worry about one event. Their worry extends to many areas of their lives such as work, school, health, and relationships. This worry, rather than helping to solve problems, tends to be unproductive and unhelpful.
- Difficulty Controlling Worry.
On top of worrying about many things, those with GAD have difficultly controlling or stopping their worrying. They may find themselves worrying at impractical times, such as when trying to sleep.
- Restlessness.
Feeling restless, on edge or “keyed up” is common for those with GAD.
- Easily Fatigued.
People with GAD often tire easily and have a general sense of being fatigued. Even everyday tasks may become draining and require significant effort.
- Difficulty Concentrating.
A loss of concentration and inability to focus is common in those with GAD. They may have difficulty with activities like reading, watching television, or holding conversations. This can significantly interfere with their ability to be effective at work or do well in school.
- Irritability.
Feelings of irritability can come along with GAD. People may become irritable very quickly, remain irritable for long periods of time, or find themselves becoming “snappy” with those around them.
- Muscle Tension.
GAD is often associated with tense muscles. People may experience muscle tightness, pain, or general stiffness throughout the day.
- Sleep Disturbance.
Those with GAD sometimes experience changes to their sleep patterns. This can include problems falling asleep, wakening often during the night, or waking up early and being unable to fall back asleep. When this happens, it can become difficult to feel well rested and ready to face the day.
Together, these symptoms can cause significant distress and negatively affect people’s ability to function effectively.
If you or someone you know has some or all of these symptoms, it may be due to GAD. Psychologists at EBT3 are trained in using psychological assessment tools to find out whether this is the case. They are also experienced in treating GAD and the related symptoms using approaches that have been proven to be effective, such as Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy.
For more information about GAD, or to find an experienced psychologist, please contact us.